Mateus Aleluia, a musician between heaven and earth

Elderly man with a grey beard and short hair looks into the camera with a serious expression, reminiscent of Mateus Aleluia. The background is blurred and dimly lit, creating an ethereal atmosphere that suggests a bridge between heaven and earth.

Daomeano, iorubano
Congolese, angolano, mbandu
Haúça, muçulmano
From tudo isso got penny
Dahomean, Yoruba,
Congolese, Angolans, Bantu,
Hausa, Muslim
I’m made of it all.

Mateus Hallelujah – From tudo isso got penny (2017)

When Mateus Aleluia composes this title for Fogueira Doce, his second solo album, the musician with the heavenly name is, at 74, a living legend of Afro-Brazilian music. Born in 1943 in Cachoeira in the heart of the Recôncavo region in the state of Bahia, the man with a soft voice and an easy laugh, who lived in Angola for nearly 20 years, made…