DJ Coach, Big Zulu, Lady Du, Soa Mattrix & Toshi – The King of Ewallet, Pt. 2


DJ Coach, Big Zulu, Lady Du, Soa Mattrix & Toshi link up for a new compilation dubbed “The King of Ewallet, Pt. 2,” which you can stream here on UbeToo, South Africa’s premier music destination.

This album encapsulates exactly five tracks, beginning with “Ufunabani” and ending with “Midrand Funk,” Between those are tracks like “Alaziwa,” “Yini Ngalaba,” and an eponymous track, The likes of Al Xapo, Xduppy, BoontleRSA and Kay T Direct were co-opted as guests. We admit they made a good team.

One thing you can be assured about this compilation is that it will fill…