HomeAFROBEATSRema’s “Calm Down” Surpasses CKay’s “Love Nwantiti” as Top Streamed USA Afrobeats...

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Rema’s “Calm Down” Surpasses CKay’s “Love Nwantiti” as Top Streamed USA Afrobeats Song


In a historic moment for Afrobeats music, Rema‘s sensational hit “Calm Down” has achieved a remarkable feat, surpassing CKay’s “Love Nwantiti” to become the most streamed Afrobeats song in US history. 

Chart Data, a renowned American music data compilation website, revealed this exciting news on Friday, celebrating Rema’s incredible accomplishment.

Released in 2021, “Calm Down” took the world by storm with its infectious melody and relatable lyrics, resonating deeply with audiences globally. Notably, the song reached an impressive number 3 position on the…


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