From trap to pop-punk, the internet girl anomaly

Four people are in a backyard: two standing, one mowing the lawn like a true pop-punk rebel, and another sitting by a kiddie pool. A small house with trimmed bushes waits as if ready to trap its next internet girl anthem.

Do not trust their stage name, the Internet Girl is, in reality, the improbable boys band composed of singer Ntsika Bungane (alias TK), flanked by Matty “Neese” producers Brugess and James Smith, alias Griggs. The three young men gave us an interview on the occasion of the 2024 edition of the Transmusicales de Rennes, just before their long -awaited performance in the Hall 4 of the Exhibition Center. Polis, reserved, these three boys do not quite embody the image we have of punk rockers. Their music does not reflect …