Opinion: Uncle Waffles’ Nairobi Event Highlights Broader Issues With African Music Concerts – OkayAfrica

A woman with long blonde hair is DJing on a Pioneer setup at an African Music Concert. She is wearing a brown outfit with gold details. A sign saying "Waffle" adorns the fur-covered table, set against a pink background, reminiscent of a vibrant Nairobi event.

“They’re literally throwing teargas at us,” lamented on-air personality, Stacey Atieno in avideo recording of the chaotic scene. “At this rate…an organized event in Kenya is a dream. The same way we’re saying ‘Ruto must go’—it’s a dream.”

Fans flocked to the much-anticipated performance by celebrated amapiano DJUncle Waffles, but they were soon disappointed. Overcrowding, subpar sound quality, and poor management ended the event abruptly, leaving attendees frustrated. “The crowd showed up, but organizers…