South African vocalist Babalwa M has captivated the Amapiano music scene with her debut album “Aluta Continua.” Released to widespread anticipation, the album showcases...
Renowned South African musician, Josiah De Disciple, recently graced the music scene with the release of his fresh album titled ‘Satori’. The music...
Acclaimed singer-songwriter Amy Jones has recently captivated fans globally with the release of her latest album “My Forever Friend”. Comprising of seven enchanting...
Eminent artist LeeroSoul has just released his eagerly awaited album, ‘Rifumo’. The album was released today, April 19, 2024, under The Coded And Collection...
Showcasing Diverse Musical Styles As of today, April 19, 2024, the music scene welcomes the release of “Thanks Giving,” the anticipated extended play record...
On April 11, 2024, Shallipopi unveiled his album “Shakespopi,” continuing his ascent in the Afrobeats scene. Released under Plutomania Records in partnership with Dapper...
Release Buzz and Artistic Evolution
Young Jonn, a staple name in the Nigerian music scene, is celebrating a major career milestone with the release of...