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Tag: Nyege Nyege

The underground world of DJ K: baile funk, horrorcore and witchcraft

Submundo (masculine name): “ group of marginalized or delinquents considered as an organized social group » (Dicio, online Portuguese dictionary). The stage is...

The best albums of September 2023

Jbal Rsas Deena Abdelwahed Titled in homage to Jebel Ressas, the second highest mountain near Tunis, the second album by Tunisian DJ and producer DJ Abdelwahed...

PAM Meets: Queen Asher & Rehema Tajiri at La Magnifique Society

Director Marion Desmaret follows mother-daughter duo Queen Asher and Rehema Tajiri at the La Magnifique Society festival in Reims. A look at the...

MC Yallah & Debmaster, chills in the night

Although involved in the Ugandan rap scene since 1999, MC Yallah was only revealed to the rest of the world in 2018 under the...

Exocé: “I am the one who grants wishes”

Multidisciplinary artist, dancer and performer, Natisa Exocé Kasongo was born in 1995. He lives and works in Berlin. " As Sun Ra said,...

PAM and the Spielact festival, hand in hand to bring Geneva to its knees

Reflective, playful, critical and stuffed with a high-flying program – pan-Arab and Ugandan in particular – the Spielact festival is settling in Geneva for...

PAM takes control of the Royal Garden stage of the La Magnifique Society festival

On Sunday June 25, join PAM at the La Magnifique Society festival for a carte blanche on the Royal Garden stage! On the...

The 10 best albums of May 2023

Amatasou Tinariwen The emblematic Tuareg group, celebrated by the greatest artists in the world, continues to sing the desert and its blues. 20 years later...

PAM invests the Metronum for the after party of the Rio Loco festival

For the first time, Rio Loco is organizing an after party on Saturday June 17. And it is with PAM that the festival...

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